8 Important Tips To Learn The Art Of Public Speaking - Ask The Rich

Thursday, June 7, 2018

8 Important Tips To Learn The Art Of Public Speaking

It is worth mentioning that addressing people to convince them is one of the oldest arts. It has evolved with the development of human abilities and the evolution of the ages until it is transformed in our time into an existing science in its own right. In view of the importance of the art of addressing the public, we will give you some important ways to learn.

8 Important Tips To Learn The Art Of Public Speaking

     1-Learn about audience characteristics

In order to succeed in making the desired impact on the audience listener, you must first know your audience well. What are their concerns? What do they want from you? What is their degree of culture? When you answer these questions you will be able to write an influential letter so that you can finally convince them of your thoughts and opinions.

    2-Good preparation of speech

Now you have a lot of information about the characteristics of your audience, so start to write the letter according to this information with accuracy and credibility, and be careful to choose words and phrases clear and simple so that everyone can understand, and avoid reliance on verbal enhancements are exhausting audience listening and distracted.

          Related: 8 Mistakes You Should Avoid During The Speech

    3-Trained on the speech several times

After you finish writing the letter, train to throw it several times and try to save a few lines from it. This will help to give it well without making mistakes, and the audience will feel confident that every word you say will convince your words and are quick to adopt the views you have presented to them.

    4-Watch your body movements well

Body movements reveal our inner state, so it's important to watch your movements and act confidently, that is to stand upright, walk in steady steps, speak in a clear, audible tone, maintain your smile and your visual communication with the audience. This increases the likelihood that the audience will respond to you.

    5-Keep your enthusiasm during the speech

The enthusiasm during the speech is very important. It motivates the audience to listen to the end without feeling bored . So try to keep the spirit of enthusiasm in the audience, like asking a question about the topic you are talking about or having a comic story in your speech. The physical movements studied give enthusiasm to the discourse.

    6-Avoid repeating information several times

Beware of repeating information a number of times during the speech, it brings boredom and distraction and push some to withdraw from the board, so just raise your tone and talk quietly when you explain the important information, this will help to raise the attention of the public and listen to you until the end.

          Related: 9 Ways To Master The Art Of Public Speaking

    7-Type an opening and a good conclusion

Open your speech with an attractive introduction that contains a simple summary of what you will be talking about. This will encourage them to listen all the time. Do not forget to put an effective conclusion to your speech.

    8-Keep your spirits up!

This point is very important and seriousness is required in speeches, but this does not mean that you remain sullen, so experts advise you to keep your spirits in the audience, it will make them happy  to succeed in convincing them with your speech without any objection from anyone.

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